
(Plase show your CCCA Membership Card 請出示CCCA 會員證)

(A) Restaurants 酒家
Castle Terrace Chinese Cuisine 敘香園 Tel: 02-9634 3131
19-21 Terminus Street, Castle Hill / 33 Windsor Road, Kellyville
– Free tea for Yum Cha
-10% off on dinner (except seafood & specials) -飲茶免茶,每日晚飯九折(海鮮及特價除外)

 Lee Central Park Chinese Restaurant 大華海鮮酒家
18/2-4 Central Ave, Thornleigh Tel: 02- 9980 7942
– 10% off (except specials & Seafood) 九折 (特價及海鮮除外)

Chiu Chou Garden 創潮樓
A7, 2-10 Central Ave, Thornleigh Tel: 02- 9980 2828
– 10% off (except specials & Seafood) 九折 (特價及海鮮除外)

購物中心G53,372 Pennant Hills Road Carlingford (02) 8677 7991


會員優惠: 不包括: 套餐,特價午餐,餐飲及甜品

(B) Real Estates 房屋買賣
      Century 21 Joseph Tan Real Estates Tel: 02-9980 1222
20 Castle Hill Road, West Pennant Hills
– Special Offer 特別優惠

(C) Electrical and Electronics 電器及電腦

1. Accsoft Computer Technology Pty. Ltd. 安信電腦

Tel: 02- 9869 1668 (fax) 02-9869 1866

P.O. Box 892, Epping NSW 1710, Australia

– 3 months free with every new web site hosting. 新網站代管客戶可享頭三個月免費 1300 881 668

2. MaxCom Technology Pty. Ltd. 萬通電腦 Tel: 02-9484 0711
15 Hillcrest Road. Pennant Hills
– Every $100 purchase will get $5 to purchase other additional goods
(not in conjunction with other specials or discounted goods)

(D) Video and Photo 錄影帶及攝影
      Eastwood Fast Photo (John Chong) Tel: 0419 338 302
155 Rowe Street, Eastwood 2122
-10% discount (albums, frames, passport photo) – 相簿、相框、護照相片九折

(E) Carlingford Shopping Village

 1. Icontact Optometrist Tel: 02-9872 9988

– 10% off all frames, except specials 鏡框九折(特價品除外)

– Eye testing & contact lens fitting on Medicare

2.  Queen Cakes Bakery 皇后西餅麵飽

– 10% off cakes and bread, except drinks & specials 麵飽西餅九折(特價品及飲品除外)

(F) Other Services 其他
      1. Betta Vision           Tel: 02-9899 9400
Castle Tower, Shop 505
-10% further discount 九折

2. The Watch Palace Tel: 02-9744 2665
147 Burwood Road, Burwood 2134
– 10% discount when purchase over $500 購物滿五百元以上九折

3. Mountain & Sea Travel Pty Ltd 山水旅行社 Tel: 02 – 9804 1333 Fax: 02-9804 1444
Shop 3, 185 Rowe St Eastwood NSW 2122
(Free tour to China upon purchasing international airfare)
* 江南風情7天(Beautiful Jiangnan 7 Days)
* 京津承精彩8天(Beijing Tianjin Chengde 8 Days)
* 七彩雲南超值7天(Colourful Yunnan 7 Days)
**Must be accompanied with 1 Australian-Chinese**
b. 會員特價(境内一天游)
藍山一日游(Blue Mountain Day Tour): $25.00
史提芬港一日游(Port Stephen Day Tour): $25.00

4. Queen’s Bakery 皇后餅店 Tel: 02-98746131
Shop 150 Rowe Street, Eastwood NSW 2122
– 10% off, Bread & Cakes only, 九折 優惠只限麫飽西餅(特價品除外)