The School

Cherrybrook Chinese Community Association Chinese Language School

Class Time: Saturday 9.00am – 11.30am
Location: Cherrybrook Technology High School
Ms. Xiaohong Guo 0416 078 728 (Mandarin)
Mrs. Jenny Lau 0416 188 339 (English & Mandarin)

The school is located in Sydney’s Hills District in the Northwest, with a multicultural student base. Many students come from non-Chinese speaking families. How to effectively teach the students and to conduct the classes is a challenge both to the school and to the teachers. We are striving at this, the School is actively involved in the Cherrybrook Chinese Community Association. The school takes part in its organisation work and in its performance, which provides an excellent opportunity for the students’ participation will help attract interest in and focus attention on the school from the wider Australian community, and will inspire enthusiasm to learn the Chinese language.

Our Classes

Kindergarten to L6, Teenager and Youths (Enrollment Form)

Fees (Kindergarten to L5, Teenager & Youths):
$110/Term (3 months), $200/semester (6 months) or $390/year for members;
$20 administration fee for NON-members;
Textbooks $15/Set, Exercise book $1 Each;
CCCA membership fee: 1 year – $15, 3 years – $40;

Class Time:
9 am to 11:30 am (Saturday)

Cherrybrook Technology High School, 28-44 Purchase Road, Cherrybrook NSW 2126

Ms. Xiaohong Guo 0416 078 728 (Mandarin)
Mrs. Jenny Lau 0416 188 339 (English & Cantonese)
Email address: