7th Global Chinese Recitation Competition – Sydney Division

  • Our mission is to promote Chinese culture. We are honored to be approved as one of the co-organizers of the 7th Global Chinese Recitation Competition in Sydney. This is a very valuable experience for all students learning Chinese. Therefore we encourage all students learning Chinese to participate in this competition.

Competition Schedule

Registration – By 4 May 2024

First round – Upload video (May 5 – 12)

Adjudication – May 13 – 22

Global final – Online (May 19 – June 9)

  • We have completed the first stage of the competition. 55 students uploaded videos for the competition. 12 videos were selected for the second round competition, they were: Elisa Chen-小小蝴蝶小小花,Austin Suo-宇宙的另一边,Bella Feng-《找春天》, Jasper Chen- 红蜻蜓, Jerry Teng-满江红, Kimberley Loh-歡樂, Joyce Lee-小王子, Terence Wang-《繁星》, Oliver Xiong-颐和园, Christopher Yong- <量词歌>, Rebecca Wang-小猫钓鱼, Richard Wang-凡尔赛宫. 3 independant adjudicators were invited to select 5 videos out of the 12 for the next stage. The finalists selected and sent to Beijing for the final were: Rebecca Wang-小猫钓鱼, Joyce Lee-小王子, Terence Wang-《繁星》, Austin Suo-宇宙的另一边,Jerry Teng-满江红. Congratulations to the 5 finalists.

Official website

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